What to do when your pet goes missing
Don't forget to message our facebook page, Find Toby in PA with the details needed to create a post: a photo of your lost pet, City & State where lost, streets at the nearest intersection or a nearby landmark, date lost, and contact information we can include in our post. Additional information which is helpful - Pet name, gender, if wearing collar/tags, if microchipped, helpful descriptive details.
Find Toby in PA provides links to outside sources & businesses as a reference. We do not endorse any business but wish to provide our followers with as much information and additional resources as we can
File Reports
Additional Resources to list your pet as missing
Pet Recovery Services
Missing Animal Response Network (MARN) Directory
Dogs Finding Dogs - based in Baltimore, MD
K911 Dog Search: Team Ruby - serving Bucks, Lehigh, Montgomery, and Northampton Counties
Be aware of myths & scams around lost pets
Sadly, there are people who will try to take advantage of owners searching for their pets. Read more at Mission Reunite.
Put items out that smell like their favorite person (worn unwashed garments). Put out smelly enticing food - like hot dogs, bacon, canned dog food, leftover scraps - and a soft bed or blanket. Place in a covered area like a garage or covered porch.
If lost from a fenced yard, secure other pets and open gate.
If underground invisible fencing, turn power off.
File Lost Reports
Police, Dog Warden, Animal Control Officer, nearest shelter (Humane Society, SPCA)
If microchipped: file a lost report making sure the chip is registered and they have your correct contact information.
Post to online pages (include picture, location and contact info) such as Find Toby in Pa, Nextdoor, Facebook lost and found pages, craigslist. Also post on online pages lostmydoggie, pawboost.com
Flyers & Tag Your Car: You can print a free flyer from the lostmydoggie or pawboost sites or request one from Find Toby in PA.
Large on neon posterboard with LOST, a good picture and your phone number. Click here for tips.
Place at intersections, community and business areas.
Flood a 3-mile radius with flyers, they are your best chance of getting a sighting of your lost dog.
Give a flyer to your UPS, FedEx and mail carrier.
Hold an Intersection Alerts,
Tips on Car Tagging (look for Window Markers for Cars or Glass)
Notify Neighbors: Give a flyer or picture of your dog and your phone number. Stress to them to not call out to your dog or make any attempt to capture, it will run. Ask them to keep in sight and call you immediately with exact time, location and direction headed if the dog left.
Check Shelters: Check back often, go in person, ask to walk through to check for your lost pet.
Dogs lost from unfamiliar locations - such as: parks, rest areas, car accidents - will often stay in the general area or if they bolt, they will return to the place they were lost..
Trail Cameras - Also be sure that neighbors with security cameras and ring doorbells are aware of an on the lookout for your missing pet.
There are some similarities and a few differences in how you handle a lost indoor only or a lost indoor/outdoor cat.
Indoor Only Cats will typically hide close to home, MAR study indicates most lost indoor cats are found within 3 house radius from their home.
Indoor-Outdoor Cats may go a little farther from home, MAR study indicates most lost indoor-outdoor cats are found within 17 house radius.
SEARCH! Cats hide in silence. Making noise will give away their location to a predator.
Using a flashlight and crinkly bag of smelly treats, go out at night, shake the bag and look for eyes. If you see your cat, sit down, speak softly while tossing treats.
Don’t forget to look up: Roofs/trees.
Check home to verify the cat is lost: closets, dryer, cupboards, drawers, ceilings, crawlspaces, etc.
Check for accidental lock-ins: closets, garages, sheds, etc.
Attempt to lure cat home: place smelly food (canned salmon, rotisserie chicken, tuna in oil, etc.) and water. Put out before dark, remove mornings and repeat until cat is reunited.
Provide a safe space near home: set out a box, crate, or carrier in a safe area that might appeal to a scared cat.
File Lost Reports with nearby shelters (Humane Society, SPCA).
Check back often, Go in person, ask to walk through to check for your lost pet
If microchipped: file a lost report making sure the chip is registered and they have your correct contact information.
Post to online pages (include picture, location and contact info) such as Find Toby in Pa, Nextdoor, Facebook lost and found pages, craigslist. Also post on online pages lostmykitty, pawboost.com
Flyers: You can print a free flyer from the lostmykitty or pawboost sites or request one from Find Toby in PA.
Large on neon posterboard with LOST, a good picture and your phone number.
Place at intersections, community and business areas near your home.
Give a flyer to your UPS, FedEx and mail carrier.
Notify Neighbors: Give a flyer or picture of your cat and your phone number.
Trail Cameras - Also be sure that neighbors with security cameras and ring doorbells are aware of an on the lookout for your missing pet.
Some areas have cat traps available to loan. Check the list on our Resources page
Put items out that smell like their favorite person (worn unwashed garments). Include their favorite food, grain, veggies etc. and fresh water
File Lost Reports with neaest sheltes (Humane Society, SPCA)
Notify Police if animal could be a threat to traffic
If microchipped or tattooed, file a lost report making sure the chip/tattoo is registered and they have your correct contact information
Post to online pages (include picture, location and contact info) such as Find Toby in Pa, Nextdoor, Facebook lost and found pages, craigslist. Also post on online page pawboost.com
Flyers & Tag Your Car: You can print a free flyer from the lostmydoggie or pawboost sites or request one from Find Toby in PA.
Large on neon posterboard with LOST, a good picture and your phone number.
Place at intersections, community and business areas.
Give a flyer to your UPS, FedEx and mail carrier.
Tips on Car Tagging (look for Window Markers for Cars or Glass)
Notify Neighbors: Give a flyer or picture of your pet and your phone number. Stress to them to not call out to your pet or make any attempt to capture, it could run. Ask them to keep in sight and call you immediately with exact time, location and direction headed if the pet left
Check Shelters: Check back often, Go in person, ask to walk through to check for your lost pet
Don't Give Up!
Many pets are reunited after weeks, months, and even years
Animals are resilient
They are able to survive severe weather and typically keep themselves safe when not being chased